Vessel , ship , Container , shiping line , Stuffing , Freight

Tuesday, 9 October 2007

The shipping with ship container system carries

In now , goods majority shipping will use the shipping by sea with kind boat , Container Ship , then should understand arrive at the character and a kind of , Container , which , be , Durable Packing , be container character is made of the iron or , aluminium , there have 20 standard foot size , and 40 the foot ,

The shipping by sea is the shipping that is significant most and use most , when , compare with shipping other format , because of , there are is low cost and transport goods a time vacate very much , by shipping format by sea in now the majority is the shipping with container system carries , (Container Box) , The goods will is the bringing packs in to the container , (Stuffing) , and have container transportation goes up to keep , on a boat , Container Ship , which , design come to specially , for use in goods shipping with , the container carries , the harbour will to come to support kind this boat , must have designing , that call, Terminal Design , for , there is both of suitability in engineering manner and , environment , by must compose , harbour , a dam separates waves , include all facilities , which , who study in the sense of , Logistics , must take an interest in with regard to will study about the shipping with the container system carries

The container detail

The container carries is will size standard container might is made of the iron or , aluminium , by have outside strong structure can lay to arrange,overlap each other many 10 tier .

Container size

20DR, 40DR, 40HC, 45HC

Dry Container : For stuff Dry cargo

Refrigerator Container : For stuff fresh cargo

Opentop container : For stuff some cargo is special hight

Flatrack container : For stuff General cargo or machine